From September 8th to 15th, 2024, Luo Jiafu, Member of the Standing Committee of the CPC CDSU Committee and CDSU Vice-President, led a delegation including relevant heads from the School of Foreign Languages, School of Arts, Infrastructure Department, and Campus Management Department to visit France and Spain. The visit aims to further deepen international exchanges and cooperation, broaden educational horizons, and enhance the internationalization of CDSU.
During their stay in France, CDSU Delegation visited Université Paris-Saclay in Paris and Université de Lorraine in Metz. Université Paris-Saclay is a top-tier public comprehensive university in France and one of the world's leading research universities. The delegation had exchanges with Ms. Virginie Demoulier, Dean of the Sceaux Campus of the Institut Universitaire de Technologie (IUT) of the university, and Mr. Thomas Bayol, Head of the Asia Section of the International Relations Department, gaining insights into its educational operations, student internships, and employment prospects. Both sides engaged in friendly discussions on cooperation objectives, methods, and possibilities.

At the Université de Lorraine in Metz, France, the delegation held talks with Mr. David Roth, Director of UFR SciFA, Mr. Maxime Mastalli, Director of Metz STAPS department, and Dr. Mariama, Director of international relationship of Health College. The delegation visited the stadiums, smart classrooms, laboratories, and libraries of the Departmentof Sports Sciences, getting a detailed understanding of its curriculum design and educational characteristics and basic information such as enrollment, employment, internships, and operation management. In-depth discussions were carried out on the current cooperative education programs between the two sides. Luo Jiafu proposed that, based on the existing cooperative educational programs, the two sides could first explore increasing postgraduate exchange programs in the direction of sports skills so that students could receive more diversified training while improving their skills. Second, given the distinct features of the Adapted Physical Activity major at the Université de Lorraine, enhanced cooperation could be established with our university's related majorsin Human Movement Science, Sports Rehabilitation, and Rehabilitation Therapy, which would broaden students' horizons, enabling them to study and intern more purposefully according to their future employment directions, and enhancing their initiative to meet the sports needs of various social groups. Both sides unanimously agreed upon these suggestions. Detailed communication was carried out to promote cooperation between the two universities, and a preliminary consensus was reached. Director David Roth happily accepted our invitation and planned to visit CDSU in November to learn relevant majors, expand cooperation projects, and refine the cooperation agreement.

At the Universidad Complutense de Madrid in Spain, CDSU Delegation was warmly received by Mr. Juan Carlos Jaquirdo, Head of the International Projects Publicity Department, and Mr. Yang Liang, Director of the Asia Programs. They showed the delegation around the square of the Medical School, the teaching buildings of the Faculty of Humanities, the library, and the student cafeteria, and introduced the daily study and life of the students at the university. At the meeting, both sides introduced their respective university situations in detail and had in-depth communication on the methods and channels of cooperative education.
During their stay in France and Spain, CDSU delegation also met the students from our university participating in the cooperative education exchange programs. Vice President Luo had cordial conversations with the students studying in Metz, France, and Madrid, Spain, respectively, caring abouttheir study and life situations. He hoped that they would take good care of themselves and stay safe while studying abroad, reminded them to report to our university in time if they encountered difficulties so that they could get full assistance, and encouraged them to seize opportunitiesto broaden their horizons and acquire knowledge.

This visit not only strengthened CDSU’s external publicity but also deepened exchanges and cooperation with world-class universities, enriching cooperation content on current programs and broadening future cooperation methods.